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I cant think of no greater insult to God than to have the temerity to end the life of His creation.why people kill others, this world is for love and prosperity. we should spread love.



Senator Robert Menendez:
“I express my sincere condolences to the families of those innocent people who lost their lives in today’s terrorist attack at the office of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo. This horrific attack on an independent media outlet is an attack against our values and our freedoms. France and the United States have stood shoulder to shoulder throughout history to defend these shared ideals, and today, we stand again in solidarity with the French people and its government as they seek to bring to justice the perpetrators of this attack.”
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy:
“I condemn today’s horrific terrorist attack in Paris. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the French people. This terrorist attack, like so many before it, is an assault on fundamental democratic principles that are essential to a free society. It is also a reminder that the war on terrorism is not over, that radical Islamic terrorist organizations have not been defeated, and that they continue to pose a threat at home and abroad. Whether it is ISIL in Iraq and Syria, the Taliban, Haqqani network, and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ansar al Sharia and other terrorists in Libya, Boko Haram in Nigeria, or al Qaeda affiliated groups in Yemen, Somalia, and Mali, free and moderate societies face a growing and determined terrorist enemy. We ignore this gathering danger at our peril. We must recommit to our common efforts against these violent enemies and stand with our friends around the world. For their sake and for our own, we must prevail in this fight against violent extremism.”
Representative Ed Royce:
“I join in strongly condemning today’s disturbing terrorist attack in Paris – one of the great cites of the world. I want to express my condolences to the families of the newspaper staff and police officers who were killed. For years, the U.S. and France have had close cooperation in combating terrorism. In Europe, France is at the front lines of a dangerous and growing jihadist ideology that again demonstrated today that it knows no bounds. Sadly, this is not the first time terrorists have attacked this satirical newspaper for exercising free speech – a pillar of the civilized world. Today’s brutality is another crude reminder of the terrorist threat to all those living in free societies.”
Congressman Bill Keating:
“I express my deep condolences for the People of the French Republic in the wake of the violent attack at Charlie Hebdo. These heinous incidents - which are beyond condemnation - are increasingly encouraged by violent extremists. The transatlantic community must remain strong and committed to the very values that are the targets of these murderers, whom I hope are brought to swift justice.”
To The People of France,
I want to express my sincere condolences to the people, and the government of France for the cowardly, terrorist attack in Paris. We are all Charlie Hedbo today. The bravery of the journalists and the Paris police will go down in history along with Napoleon, Laffayette, and the Revolution. I could write more, but I think my feelings are best conveyed by "Vive La France", "Vive les journalists martyrs".
In Solidarity,
C.L. (Florida)
Dear Mr Ambassador,
On behalf of everyone working here at my company in SW Florida, we send through you to the people of France, particularly the capital city Paris, and mostly the family and friends of those murdered and injured today, our deepest condolences and sympathy, and assurance that here in the USA millions of ordinary Americans stand with you determined to protect freedom of expression, a free press and religious liberty and tolerance even in the face of these outrageous provocations.
Yours most sincerely,
Our prayers go out to the families of the dead and wounded and to the entire French Nation.
G.S. and Family (PA)
To The People of France and the families of the victims,
Please accept my and our deepest condolences. No country, no people, no family should have to experience the tragedy that you have gone through. The French people have always stood strong in the face of adversity. Without your help throughout our shared history, I would not have the blessed life I lead here in the United States.
The criminals that have conducted this attack, those that have aided in any way with it, will be found and will be brought to ultimate justice. Until then, you won’t be forced into the shadow of fear, you will not sacrifice the freedoms you have fought hard for repeatedly over the history of your country, you will stand in defiance of these cowardly men, because that is who you are as a nation and what you stand for.
All of us in the United States stand with you, as you have stood with us over our shared history.
Je Suis Charlie and Je Suis Française
I would not have the freedom as an America if it was not for the help France gave us when we fought for our freedom at the beginning of our country. When France is attacked I feel America has been attacked. I will be sending this same message to my congressman.
R.D. (VA)
This Francophile wishes to extend his most heartfelt condolences over today’s events in Paris. Words cannot adequately describe the terror and horror of this incident.
I hope my government is assisting should your colleagues/compatriots request it.
Vive la France!!
Que dire devant tant de haine et de racisme?
Avec mes plus profondes condoleances. Mes prieres sont avec tous mes concitoyens dans la douleur.
Charles Town, VO
Je suis profondément attristé par l’attentat survenu ce jour à Paris. Je tiens à exprimer ma peine ainsi que mes plus sincères condoléances et ma plus profonde solidarité aux familles des victimes, journalistes comme policiers. Elles resteront dans les mémoires comme les symboles de la liberté, de la démocratie, et de nos valeurs face à ces inqualifiables obscurantisme, barbarie, et fascisme.
Washington D.C.
"Mais si un jour quelqu’un, agitant les paroles du Philosophe, et donc parlant en philosophe, amenait l’art du rire à une forme d’arme subtile, si la rhétorique de la conviction se voyait remplacée par la rhétorique de la dérision, si la topique de la patiente et salvatrice construction des images de la rédemption se voyait remplacée par la topique de l’impatiente démolition et du bouleversement de toutes les images les plus saintes et vénérables — oh ! ce jour-là, toi aussi et toute ta science, Guillaume, vous serez mis en déroute ! "
Umberto ECO, Le Nom de la Rose (1982)
Un grand, grand hommage à ces hommes courageux qui n’ont jamais renoncé, malgré les menaces et au péril de leur vie, à la liberté de parler et de rire.
Je suis Charlie.
Francais residant aux USA, nous avons ete tres choques par l’attaque de ce matin sur l’equipe de Charlie Hebdo. Nous voulons exprimer nos pensees pour les victimes et leurs familles. Nous regrettons que la liberte d’expression qui existe tant en France qu’aux Etats-Unis ne soit pas comprise dans toutes les cultures, et nous remercions l’equipe du consulat de France d’avoir organise la manifestation de ce soir a Washington.
R. et C.
Quelques mots pour exprimer mes condoleances aux familles des victimes de cet atroce attentat terroiste.
Habitant loin de France nous mesurons combien notre pays est aussi petit et faible face aux extremismes de tout bord. Souhaitons que ces crimes seront punis et les criminels arretes.
To The People of France,
As an American, I stand with you and will urge my country to do everything it can to rid the world of the scourge of radical terrorism. Any threat to you is a threat to us as well.
I am an American citizen, but TODAY I am French. All men and women of good will are French now!
Je suis retournée, complètement assommée....
Je n’arrive pas à le croire....
Toutes mes condoléances aux victimes et à leurs familles.
Ils ont payé au prix de leur vie ce en quoi ils croyaient: la liberté d’expression, la démocratie!
Puissent ces assassins être retrouvés et jugés!
Je pense aujourd’hui à tous mes compatriotes, Je pense aujourd’hui à ce que ressent la France, c’est ce que je ressens....
Je suis Charlie!
A ce moment, nous somme tous Parisiene, Francais.
Je suis Charlie.
A.A. (Naperville)
Choquée comme le monde entier quand la liberte d’expression est bafouée, je rends hommage au courage de ces hommes et femmes, dessinateurs et citoyens du monde devant l’intolerance fanatique religieuse. Je souhaite que la douleur se transforme en paix et que tous unis nous agissions vers la tolerance entre peuples.
Avec mes plus sinceres condoleances aux familles directement touches par ce drame.
C.P. (Baltimore)
To The People of France,
I want to express my sincere condolences to the people, and the government of France for the cowardly, terrorist attack in Paris. It is a very sad and a tragic incident. Our thought and prayers are with those who lost their lives and with their loved ones.
M.Z. (New York)
Nous avons une résidence secondaire dans le 11ème depuis 10 ans, et ayant vécu le 11 septembre, comprenons la peine de vos - nos - concitoyens.
Avec toute notre amitié,
K.W. et T.K. (Bethesda, MD)
Dear Mr. Ambassador and all French citizens,
I would like to express my deep condolences and sadness on the barbaric attack on innocent people in Paris. It is a blatant slap on anyone who believes in upholding freedom of press and expression. No civilized society or religion can condone this senseless violence.
We stand firmly with French people in this hour of grief and pray for the people and their families who are directly affected with this violence.
I join in mourning with you the unconscionable slaughter of the staff of Charlie Hebdo. Everyone who loves freedom of expression mourns with you. Thank you M. President for declaring a national day of mourning.
Dear Excmo. Embassandor, Sr. Consul, Mrs./Mr. Diplomatas, Mrs./Mr. personnel, and Employees.
I want to express my deeply condolences for the lost of your citizens and specially for the two police officers. Please be and keep together and strong defending the rights for which all the French people have work really hard.
V.A.G. (Washington D.C.)
Mes plus profondes pensées sont avec les familles des victimes en ce jour du 7 Janvier 2015. Je suis de tout cœur avec vous et m’associe à des millions de gens dans ce monde qui luttent et continueront à lutter contre le terrorisme et les actes barbares de ce monde. Je suis fière de mon pays la France qui se bat pour la liberté d’expression. Continuons ce combat en honneur aux victimes. Mes plus sincères condoléances à tous ceux qui ont été frappé aujourd’hui par ce drame.
I would like to address all my deepest sorrow and condolences to the victims’ families and the French people.
It is a tragedy and it is a horrific act of cowardice as our President said. It is beyond sad and I wish the families all the strength to face this tragic and deeply painful time.
With my deepest feelings to all.
To the People of France, _ Please accept our deepest and most sincere condolences. Proud and free People of France will prevail. The voice of Liberty cannot be silenced by terrorist cowards. _ Je suis Charlie. Vive la France! _ R.B.
Utiliser sa liberté d’expression, dans le respect de la dignité d’autrui et de la loi républicaine, est un acte de courage et d’héroïsme. Cette attaque insensée n’aura pour seul effet que d’amplifier l’attachement des Français à la liberté d’expression et d’encourager les héros prêts à la défendre. Nos prières sont avec les familles des victimes : leur mort n’est pas en vain.
Just an ordinary American, please extend my heartfelt sorrow to the families of those butchered in such an obscene way today. My respect for the courage of today’s victims stands in marked contrast to my contempt of their cowardly murderers.
Je presente mes sinceres condoleances aux familles des victimes de l’attentat perpetre ce matin dans les bureaux de Charlie Hebdo. La liberte d’expression est un droit fondamental, qui ne divise qu’en apparence. Je salue ceux qui la defendent envers et contre tout. J’admire leur talent et je les aime.
Dans cette heure grave, je souhaite l’union des Francais.
My most sincere sympathy in light of this tragic and senseless attack. There is no room for this type of violence in a modern society. Any attempt to suppress free speech anywhere is an attempt to squander free speech everywhere. Continue to push forward as always. Je Suis Charlie.
C.L. (Washington, DC)
Mes plus sinceres condoleances aux familles des journalistes, policiers et passants outrageusement abattus par ces immondes et laches terroristes.
Prions pour la tolerance.
ABK (Washington DC)
On behalf of Americans throughout the world, our hearts and prayers are with the families of those who were killed by vicious monsters and our hearts and prayers are with the entire French nation.
France is a beckon of liberty and equality and nothing will ever darken its torch of freedom that shines brightly.
Nothing will ever break the spirit or hearts of the French people.
Viva la France!
Je suis Charlie — je suis Francaise
May God bless and keep the great nation of France and its courageous citizens,
B. L.
p.s. my great uncles were in the French Resistance in WWII — they loved their adopted homeland more than their own lives
To the people of France,
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the murdered and wounded in Paris. God Bless France and the French people.
S.V. (Atlanta, Georgia)
Je vous prie de bien vouloir accepter mes sincères condoléances pour les meurtres des journalistes chez Charlie Hebdo. Mes pensees et mes prieres les accompagnets.
Mes sentiments sinceres pour les familles, les collegues, et les amis des victimes.
Nous sommes avec le peuple francais.
I send the sincere sympathies of my family to the people of France, the brave French journalists who have upheld freedom of speech and the press, and to the families of those so mercilessly killed by cowardly terrorists today. This is a very sad day for both our countries.
E.J. (Silver Spring, MD)
To the People of French Republic,
I would like to express my deepest condolences to the people of French Republic. I am an Uzbek citizen, reside in the United States, but today Je suis Francais, Je suis Charlie Hebdo.
Vivre les valeurs de Liberte, Egalite, et Fraternite!
M.N. (Bethesda)
To our French brothers and sisters –
My deepest sympathy to you, our oldest ally. You are not alone, because we are all victims of this cowardly act. Vive La France!
J.L. ( Los Angeles)
To the citizens of Paris and all of France,
Today my fellow Americans and my personal family, friends and colleagues stand united with you against tyranny. It is with much love for France and my second "home" of Paris that we send you our thoughts, prayers, brotherhood and sisterhood today and every day. Je Suis Charlie. Liberte!
R.W. and Family
Alexandria, VA and Miami, FL
As a family, we are standing with you hearts full of compassion and solidarity. May healing come to France and the 12 precious families.
R.and K. L.
Je suis atterree par cette nouvelle si triste et je presente mes condoleances les plus sinceres aux familles et proches du journal Charlie Hebdo. Charlie Hebdo c’est toute mon adolescence! Que cet attentat sordide nous rassemble tous et toutes pour faire disparaitre a jamais toute discrimination et bigoterie et pour soutenir le droit essentiel a la liberte de s’exprimer!
C.S. (baltimore)
Mr. President, Mr. Ambassador, and the people of the Great Nation of France.
Please accept my family condolences for the loss of life of twelve (12) Frenchmen or women as a result of a terrorist attack today. France and America have always been and will continue to be loyal friends and family. Like family we support every effort your security forces employ to capture and destroy these terrorist bastards. Kill them as a trial is a waste of time and good money. Let our Creator make their final judgment. I wish you well and success.
Sorry for this terrible French but “Viva la France!”
R.C. (An Old Soldier)
My most sincere condolences to the staff at Charlie Herbo, all French journalists and other citizens, and all journalists worldwide for this murderous and heinous attack on the individuals killed, and on two of the most precious freedoms France and the U.S. share: freedom of expression, and freedom of the press.
Restez fort et courageux; moi, je suis Charlie.
Mme. P.L. (Silver Spring, MD)
Je adore la France.
Mon francais est mavauis
I would like to send my condolences to the people of France especially the people of Paris.. a city that I love and I visit anytime that I can $$
Our deepest condolences to the loved ones of the victims and the people of France. We know you will remain steadfast against the terrorists and those who support such an attack against the ideals of the Enlightenment.
MEG and Family (New York)
Il ya presque cent ans, la nation française a souffert horreur indicible à Verdun. Le peuple français se tenaient courageusement pour leur nation et de ce qu’elle représente. Je suis désolé aujourd’hui France est de nouveau appelé à souffrir pour ses valeurs. Les valeurs de la France sont les valeurs de tout ce qui est meilleur dans la civilisation: la liberté d’expression et de la fraternité. En tant qu’Américain, je exprime ma profonde tristesse pour la perte des citoyens français, mais en même temps je exprime une profonde admiration pour l’esprit de la France!
M.B. (Philadelphia, USA)
De tout coeur avec les familles et les victimes de cette attaque. La tolerance, le respect et les libertés d’expression ont encore un long chemin a faire sur cette route jonchee de haine, de bigoterie et de fanatisme en tous genres.
P.C. (Philadelphie)
A nos chers amis français :
Toutes mes condoléances, surtout à des victimes du terrorisme et leurs familles. Il n’y a pas de mots — sauf, à travers nos larmes nous crions “Nous sommes Charlie,” sans cessant. Tout le monde, soyez Charlie !
D.D. (Rockville, Maryland)
Your excellency,
Please allow me to extend my deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the victims, and to the French people on this terrible day.
I admire the courage and the great hearts of the staff members of Charlie Hebdo who stood up for freedom of speech, and of the press, even as I grieve for their deaths.
I hope that you and your fellow citizens can take some comfort knowing that myself and many others in America stand with people of the France on this dark day for liberty.
Vive la Republique!
Vive la France!
P.F. (Bellings, Montana)
Chers amis/concitoyens,
En tant que citoyens du monde civilisé, et d’américains qui ont une résidence secondaire dans le 11ème, et qui ont vécu le 11 septembre, nous comprenons bien votre état de choc et votre peine, et nous vous accompagnons dans votre douleur et dans votre deuil. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous.
Avec toute notre amitié, bon courage, T. (Bethesda, MD. USA)
La mort tragique de journalistes ce matin à Paris nous rappelle avec une violence inouïe que la liberté est très fragile et chère. Nous ne devons pas rester silencieux et nous devons agir contre la tyrannie du terrorisme et du fascisme. Cette tyrannie germe dans l’ignorance, le manque d’éducation et la pauvreté. Unissons nous pour chasser l’intolérance ! Comme le disait Voltaire "écrasons l’infâme !" C. (McLean, VA)
Un grand hommage a l’équipe de Charlie Hebdo, toutes mes pensées aux familles des victimes. Je suis tres touchée par la perte considérable que la France, le monde vient de subir.
Ils nous ont donné l’art de rire, j’essaie de les suivre mais aujourd’hui je ne sais pas si j’y arriverai.
Merci au consulat français d’avoir crée cette page.
Non, Charlie n’est pas mort. Vous avez échoué. Vive Charlie Hebdo ! Vive la liberté d’expression ! Vive la France !
J. (Philadelphia)
Ma tristesse en meme temps que mon indignation sont double en tant que Francais et en tant que journaliste. Dix de nos confreres ont ete sauvagement assassines parce qu’ils defendaient l’une des valeurs les plus sacrees de la democratie: celle de la liberte d’expression. Deux courageux policiers ont subi le meme sort en voulant les proteger. J’adresse a leurs familles et amis, mes condoleances emues. Qu’ils sachent que des millions de personnes a travers le monde partagent leur peine. Je remercie nos amis Americains pour le soutien qu’ils nous apportent dans cette penible epreuve. _ Il ne faut pas que les victimes de cet ignoble acte de barbarie soient mortes en vain. Les auteurs de l’attentat n’ont fait que renforcer la determination de tous ceux qui sont epris de democratie de continuer de defendre le droit de chacun de s’ exprimer librement. Si les responsables de cette atrocite pensaient les baillonner, ils n’auront reussi qu’a rendre leur voix encore plus puissante.
Aujourd’hui, Charlie Hebdo est le plus grand magazine du monde.
C.P. (Washington Correspondent)
Dear Ambassador Araud,
On behalf of The Turkic American Federation of Southeast (TAFS), I send our deepest regards and condolences to the people of France during this time of grief. Our organization that strives to promote cultural, educational, academic, business and social relations condemns the monstrous acts carried out by the terrorists who attacked the staff of Charlie Hebdo. We at TAFS bring people together by hosting public programs and private events featuring leaders and experts with diverse views on a wide range of global and regional topics through task forces, executive forums, luncheons, conferences, studies and leadership dialogue.
We stand with our French friends in solidarity against the unjust and, as President Hollande states, “cowardly assassination” of innocent people. These attacks, in no way, represent Islam or any other religion and we hope that France and the rest of the world may come together in peace instead of hatred.
The victims’ families, friends and the people of France are in our thoughts and prayers.
In Peace & Blessings,
C.T. (President, TAFS)
Hello Embassy Staff:
As an American citizen, I would like to send the French Embassy staff and the Country of France my sincere condolences. The terrorist attack today in Paris is another example of innocent people being slaughtered by Islamic extremists. The attack on your people enrages peace-loving people all over the world. It also brings back all the fear and pain we felt after 9/11.
Very truly yours,
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
As US citizens and members of Alliance Francais of Washington, my daughter Ayse and I would like to extend our deepest condolences to France for its loss and condemn this senseless act of barbarism directed against freedom of speech, the most cherished value of Enlightenment in which France has always had a leading role. We believe the French Republic with the rest of the free world will soon bring these savages to justice. Justice will be served as the unrelenting defense of universal freedoms against fanatical barbarism.
Dr. S. N.E. and A.E. (Gaithersburg, MD)
Dear Ambassador Araud,
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you, President Holland, and all citizens of France. Such a cowardly attack in the name of religion is barbaric and shows the real intentions of those who perpetrate such violence. Their desire is to strike fear and seize control, not in the name of Allah, but in their own perverted and self-serving sense of power. While I mourn the loss of all those killed in this attack and those who were wounded, I would especially like to extend my sympathies to the family of slain gendarme.
Please accept on behalf of my family our condolences and our support for France. Today we all stand together and mourn as brothers.
With deepest respect,
Mr. & Mrs. B. S. E.
J., T., and C. E. (Wilmington, OH, USA)
To my friends and the people of France, _My heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and to everyone in France. My prayers are with you.
To the people of France,
Please accept my deepest condolences for the outrageous attacks you suffered today. This despicable event was not merely an attack on a person or a news agency, but an attack on France itself and the French way of life. Because of the strength of your spirit and character, no terrorist attack will prevail against you.
My prayers go with the families of the fallen, the authorities who are searching for the terrorists, and for the nation as a whole during this dark hour.
Je suis Charlie
Grace and Peace
In deepest sympathy with our French brothers and sisters who love and champion freedom, I express my sincere condolences. Such an outrage inspires us to defend and to exercise the right of all people to express themselves.
To the Free People of France and to the families of the victims,
It is with deepest sympathy and profound sadness that I learned today of the heinous and cowardly act of terrorism that took place in Paris earlier today that took the lives of so many. The plaque of fundamentalism continues throughout the world, spreading their message of terror and extremism throughout the free countries of the world. Their goals of hatred and domination would continue, seemingly without check, were it not for the actions of the people of France and other free nations that have stood together to destroy this version of extremism in the world. France has been our oldest ally since the days before we were a country. Our freedom, our liberty would be moot concepts were it not for the brave interdiction France did on our behalf two centuries ago. We, in the United States, have not forgotten the blood you shed on our behalf and now, stand united with you in your stand against terrorism. The individuals responsible for this dastardly attack are without soul or conscience and their continued existence must be met with the overwhelming rage of nations opposed to such tyranny and terror.
It has been more than a dozen years since the twin towers in New York fell to terrorism and no country or people anywhere in the world should have to continue to face such atrocities. France has endured the icy cold wave of fanaticism before. In 1944, when the allies took Berlin, that wave came to a stop and the people of France and the world were once more free from tyranny. I am certain when I state that the free nations and people of the world stand with you this day and will continue to stand until such time that this current tyranny becomes a thing of the past just as that of the last century did.
Please accept our deepest condolences. No family should have to endure this kind of loss. We are all fortunate that we live in countries that value freedom and liberty above all else. We in this country will continue to stand beside our oldest allies. May the families of the victims find peace and comfort during this terrible time and may the people of France rise up like a vengeful wraith and strike a fatal blow to those that would rob her of her liberty. Vive la France!
R.M. (Indiana, America)
Keeping France in my thoughts today. As someone who believes in the power of speech, of art, and of voice, I stand with you today. Je Suis Charlie.
S.S. (Chicago, IL, USA)
Today’s terrorist attack on freedom of expression and freedom of speech in France is an attack on all of us, no matter what country we live in, who value such freedoms. My sympathies to the French people and to the families and friends of those at Charlie Hepdo who lost their lives.
B.S. (Sacramento, California)
Je voudrais d’abord ici transmettre mes condoléances aux familles, amis et collègues des victimes.
Très choquant. Continuons et luttons pour toutes les libertés et en particulier la liberté de presse. De tout cœur avec mes compatriotes en espérant que la justice sera rendue, en particulier contre toute attaque terroriste sans faire d’amalgame. Restons justes et unis dans ce malheur. Bien sincèrement, une française d’Amérique,
M. S.
My sincere condolences to Charlie Hebdo, to all those who suffered from this devastating attack, and to the French people for their courage and determination to be the standard bearer for the best values of an open society. All of us are members today of the Charlie Hebdo family, and all of us share both the pain and the inspiration that liberty brings.
Ambassador W. R.P. (Retired)
former Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Paris
former Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Mission to NATO
Toutes mes plus sincères condoléances aux familles et amis des victimes de cet odieux et insensé attentat. Je suis loin de Paris, mais aujourd’hui, je suis Charlie. Nous sommes tous Charlie.
C.F (Philadelphie)
Dear Ambasador:
I wish to send my sincerest condolences to the French people and to the families and friends of the murdered journalists in Paris. Each terrorist attack hurls me back into the Dark Ages and I am in shock. It is horrible and senselessly tragic.
The French people, like us Americans, stand for freedom and civilization. I hope that the French police capture these murderers and bring them to swift justice.
I know that my fellow citizens stand with you and your citizens.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely, E.F. (New York City)
Dear Mr. Ambassador and the People of France,
I want to express my condolences for the loss of your citizens. I was honored to study abroad in 2013 in Tours and your country welcomed me and showed me the kindness and freedoms of France. Your country is an inspiration to the world. Americans are all citizens of France today. Vous êtes dans mon cœur aujourd’hui. Notre amitié sera toujours proche. Je pleure pour ceux qui je ne sais pas, mais qui j’aime avec tout mon cœur.
Yours most sincerely,
I wish to express my condolences to the families and friends of these brave journalists for their heartbreaking loss. I will never forget them and the freedom they stand for. And today, as many, je suis Charlie.
Sincerely yours,
M.K. (Arlington, Virginia)
Americans will always stand shoulder-to-shoulder with France, the birthplace of the Enlightenment, against the forces of ignorance and intolerance. My sincere condolences to all those mourning the senseless killings at Charlie Hebdo today, and may France bring the murderers to justice swiftly.
B.V. (Arlington, VA)
Oui, je suis Charlie, les victimes sont mes frères, à eux et leur famille j’adresse mes prières.
Thank you to France and it’s people for free speech. This murder is attack on all democracies and we feel this assault with you, and will do anything in support. My most sincere condolences to the families of those who have been immediately injured and murdered.
Tolerance has its limits, and the limit is not free speech, but those who cannot tolerate freedom.
Our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and to the people of France. The attack today is an attack against everyone who believes in and values the freedom of speech. Stand strong in your convictions. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
B.D. (Falls Church, VA)
My wife and I are greatly saddened the the killing of 12 persons in Paris today and the wounding of many more. I recall a year of my boyhood spent in France and my wife and I fondly recall our travel there on several occasions. We are one with the French people in their grief, and tonight Nous Somme Charlie
M. (Virginia)
Je tiens a apporter mes plus sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes de la rédaction de Charlie Hebdo.
Bien que n’étant pas un lecteur de Charlie Hebdo, j’ai toujours respecté, admiré, et considéré comme essentiel le travail de Charb et les autres.
La liberté de la presse est directement attaquée, mais ne saura plier devant l’horreur.
Les réactions unanimes le montrent.
Au revoir donc, Charb, Cabu, Wolinski …
Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous saurons reprendre le flambeau, chacun à notre manière.
S. H. (MD)
Your country and especially the families who have experienced loss have my personal sympathy and that of my family. We really cannot express in mere words our sense of sorrow and outrage.
J. W. N.
I want to extend my condolences to all the family and friends of the cowardly attack on the Charlie Hebdo organization & to the French people as a whole.
Being born and raised in Holland & now living in the US for the last 30 years, I know there is one thing our 3 nations share. The liberty to share our opinions and express those opinions without fear of reprisal. That is in my opinion our greatest good.
Being that "A picture is worth a 1000 words" I feel that Cartoonists are important in pointing out the "imperfections" of our societies. I want to keep it that way. That I/we are offended sometimes in the process is par for the course. That is part of living in a democratic society. When I was young I travelled extensively throughout France and spent a lot of joyous time there & have come to appreciate France.
I wish you strength in this trying time.
I hope that the US, France & all other nations that value our Democratic Ideals will stand shoulder to shoulder to defend those ideals.
Vive La France Libre,
To our friends,the people of France,
Please accept our heartfelt condolences for the recent tragedy in France. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Yours truly,
S.and F. F. (Maine)
To all my French cousins, my deepest condolences to you. I wish you strength, and loving resolve. I wish you amity with your Muslim neighbors, and triumph over all the forces of darkness and hatred. Avec tous mes vœux, restez courageux!!
S.R. (Alexandria, VA)
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
I just wanted to send a quick note of condolence to the French people regarding the terrible attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris Wednesday. As a former journalist, the idea that people are targeted and killed because of the words they write or the images they create is foreign to me.
I hope those who committed this crime are brought to justice. I also hope that the French people, and the American people as well, can find common understanding to live peaceably with people of all faiths and backgrounds.
I have visited France several times and realized that I ate at Bofinger’s brasserie not far away from where this happened and it made it really hit home for me.
J. P. (Minneapolis, MN)
My wife and I want to express our deep sympathy to you, your families and the French nation on the tragic loss of life due to the terrorist attack in Paris today. France was America’s first ally - and, please know we share your grief today and the resolve to see that those who committed these atrocities are brought to justice and the ideology that spawns this type of violence is stamped out.
Prayers to you all and our sincere hope that family and friends in Paris are safe.
The L.Family (Purcellville, Virginia)
The horrific attacks that occurred in Paris are absolutely devastating. Never in my entire life would I wish such a thing on anyone. The citizens who died were brave, courageous, smart people simply exercising their right to have an opinion. Their death shines a light on just how cruel this world can be. I will always keep Paris and all of France in my prayers.
Je suis Charlie
S.S. (PA)
My sympathy to the victims of Charley Hebdo and to all the people of France. We in America know the wrath of Islamic terrorism. Stay strong and fight these terrorists who would enslave the people of the world. France stood with our young countrymen during our revolution......and this day I stand with the people of France! Liberte’, Egalite, Fraternite’!
M.H. (White Bear Lake, Minnesota, USA.)
Madam / Sir, I wanted to add my voice to those many expressing their deep shock about the attack against the free press, and, indeed, humanity itself in Paris yesterday. I am a German citizen, living in the United States. As your neighbor and as a human I feel a great kinship with your country and your ideals. We stand in solidarity and sadness with France on this somber day and in the future.
U. S. (Westport, CT)
Dear French brothers and sisters in humanity,
It is with deepest regrets that I offer my condolences to the people of France in the face of this horrific shedding of blood. As a Muslim, I fully support the prosecution of the perpetrators of this heinous crime to the fullest extent of the law. I would also like to state that if the criminals who carried out this act claim to have acted in the name of Islam, they most certainly have not! They have betrayed Islam, 1.6 billion Muslims and in fact all of humanity.
His Excellency Ambassador Gérard Araud
Dear Ambassador Araud, On behalf of the U.S.Azeris Network (USAN), we offer our condolences to the families and friend of victims of the heinous terrorist attack in Paris. We unconditionally and fully condemn this cow- ard and barbaric act. Azerbaijani American community stands by the people of France in this day of sorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people who mourn the innocent slain victims of the massacre.
We, as Azerbaijani Americans have been witness to terrorist attacks in New York and Washingto n 2001 and in our homeland of Azerbaijan, we had suffered from military aggression from neigh- boring Armenia and terrorist attacks from Armenian militants in 1990s. As witnesses to these hor rific crimes, we condemn terrorism in all of its shapes and forms. There is no space for terrorism, regardless of its intents and purposes and any perpetrators of these inhumane acts must be con demned and brought to justice.
We share values of freedom, democracy and religious and ethnic tolerance with the people of France and stand beside you in this moment of darkness. Only through unity and standing firm f our shared values and ideals can we defeat terrorism.
USAN Board of Directors
Today, I and all Americans send our condolences to the People of France. We are with you in your fight against terrorists and extremists.
Je Suis Charlie.
Vive le France!
L. & E.R (Cape Coral, FL)
Mr. Ambassador,
My wife and I wish to express our sympathy—and outrage—over the recent murders in Paris. Your President is right in that we cannot bow down to medieval thinking and actions. We support the French people and the freedom of the press.
Thank you.
T.And K.
We wanted to express our profound sympathy for the victims of yesterday’s attack in Paris.
We admire the French public for their courage.
We know that France will emerge from this tragedy stronger than ever.
S. (Dallas, Texas)
I just wish to express my condolences to the people of France regarding the recent terrorist attacks on your nation. Know that you are all in our prayers and we wish for peace for your wonderful country moving forward in the new year and that all the families and victims will find the strength to overcome this in the weeks ahead.
F.R. (Modesto, CA)
To the good people of France:
Our hearts ache with you and we stand with you.
Stay Strong, "Boston Strong".
L. & M. M. (Rhode Island and Florida, USA)
"Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain."
Francaises, Francais:
It is with profound sadness and grief for the families of those who were killed in Paris yesterday that I leave this condolence message. As one of this world’s true rays of liberty, life, culture, and civilization, France will hold together and rise above the cruelty and the savageness of these attacks, and it will do so with the support and solidarity of its many friends and allies.
The United States and France are long-time friends and allies. You helped give this country the gift of liberty in the 18th century and you were among the first to stand shoulder to shoulder with us after the terrible attacks of September 11th, 2011. Know that your American allies are with you 100%.
With great admiration and even a bit of pride, I’m watching France hold together in unity at a time of great challenge and grief. I admire France so much for knowing and understanding what it stands for and being willing to defend it. Voici la grandeur de la France!
With admiration,
J. L. (Vienna, VA)
En tant que fils d’une française, habitant la région de Washington, DC, je voudrais exprimer toute ma solidarité avec Charlie Hebdo et avec la France, à la suite de l’attaque sauvage subie par l’hebdomadaire hier. Le fanatisme et l’intolérance ne l’emporteront jamais sur la liberté ! JE SUIS CHARLIE.
C.D. (Potomac, MD)
Je suis ne en France a Verdun, j’ai vécus en France comme américain. Ma famille est enterrée prés de Laon. Je vais pousser ma candidature pour ma citoyenneté française car je suis dégoutté de cette attaque en tant que Français Une fierté que je garde pour ma vie. Je suis Charlie du Texas. Ma condoléance aux famille affecte par cette attaque lâche, par des gens lâches et un mentalité lâche
“A mes compatriotes, nous, Francais de New-York sommes la avec vous dans la douleur.
Liberte, egalite, fraternite.
My deep condolences to families of victims and France society regarding this tragedy.
​No Man Is an Island....
O.S.​ (Ukraine)
On behalf of myself and my family I would like to offer my deepest condolences to the victoms and the families of those killed and injured in the dastardly attack against Charlei Hebdo magazine staff and the policemen. May God grant them all peace.
Also, to the poor woman who was forced to let the terrorists into the building, I can only imagine the pain you must be in. My thoughts and prayers are with you as well.
TJN and Family
Upper Chichester, Pennsylvania, USA _ "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
John Adams
AJC, American Jewish Committee of Miami and Broward, is horrified and outraged by the terrorist attack on the offices of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in which twelve people have been killed. We strongly condemn this heinous crime and express our support to the Government and people of France. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. We have full confidence that France will heal from this tragedy and continue to show determination and resolve in both, combatting the scourge of terrorism and advancing democratic values. In these and other endeavors, AJC stands ready to work with the Government and people of France.
A.C. H. (Miami)
Dear Mr. Ambassador: On behalf of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I express sincere condolences for the lives that were lost in yesterday’s attack in Paris. I add our sympathies to the families of the victims and the heartfelt sadness that has been felt throughout your country. I join in prayer with people of goodwill and faith for the well being of those affected by this tragic event.
Dear Ambassador and all representatives of France: I am in great grief over the horrid attack in Paris. I would like to make a small donation in support of free press in France, in support of C. Hebdo. Can you tell me where I can donate? I will also share with friends so the word can be spread.
Thank you,
S.M. (Washington DC )
Viva La France, and Viva Free Speech.
I wish to offer my sincere condolences for the victims and families of the terrorist attack yesterday.
My prayers of sympathy are offered to all of France. An unconscionable act fueled by hatred, harms the entire world. I pray for peace.
Je Suis Charlie
Mr. Ambassador,
On behalf of my company and family in Florida I am so very sorry for this awful attack on your beautiful country. We have done business there over the years and it is so sad that this ugliness is visited on you and France.
For now and ever more…..Je suis Charlie
P.C. (CEO) (Florida)
I want to let the people of France know that America is behind them 100% in the fight against terrorism. We must keep our ideals of freedom of speech and religion in the face of any kind of terror that befalls us because our ancestors in both countries died for these ideals. We keep your country in our thoughts and prayers. We are all French today. Je Suis Charlie.
P.C. (Maine)
My ancestors left France many generations ago to move to North America, but even so I still feel kinship with the modern Republic and its people. You are my brothers and sisters. Respond to this barbarous act against our societies’ freedom of expression with love, not hate. Set an example for the world to show how truly great a nation France is. We are united with you every step of the way.
I wish for peace and prosperity for the nation of France.
B. C. (Louisiana, USA)
I write as one who is both American and Canadian, born in New England and resident for many years in Montréal, Québec, and also as an Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres de la République Française. Qu’est-ce qu’on peut dire des nouvelles si horribles du massacre à Charlie Hebdo à Paris? Je sais que tout le monde civilisé est révolté et horrifié par ce carnage monstrueux. Acceptez mes condoléances profonds en ce moment de tragédie nationale. As has been said by others, I am very aware as an American of both the crucial role of France in the realization of the American revolution and of the profound and abiding alliance between our countries over the centuries. As international family we have, of course, had our individual quarrels but on the fundamental issues of democratic values, the freedom of the press, freedom of religion (and non-religion), the right to peaceably assemble and to petition our governments, we are one. Moreover this crisis speaks to our fundamental, shared humanistic values. Please know that for both Americans and Canadians NOUS SOMMES CHARLIE.
H. G.
Dear Ambassador and colleagues, As a simple New Yorker, I wanted to express my deepest concern and sorrow, and my staunch solidarity with you and with the people of France. Vraiment, nous sommes tous Charlie, et nous sommes tous français !
Courage !
To The French People, and the families and friends, and acquaintance of the victims of this barbaric slaughter:
This is the sad price paid by France, and its citizens, as the leader of the Free World’s human rights’s, free press, and tolerance, in the face of inhuman terrorism. Your proud past, presence, and future strengths transcend the non-human materialism that infects the free world.
As did The Little Prince, there is a price to be paid for that purity, honesty and integrity.
My deepest condolences.
E.F. (MD)
To the Honorable President, Ambassador, and beloved citizens of France:
I am devastated by your unimaginable loss and send my heartfelt condolences. All people of goodwill throughout the world feel your pain and stand united with you. We will never forget the men and women killed and injured yesterday. I cry with you, keep you in my prayers, and send love and peace to you. Stay strong knowing the world is with you. Je suis Charlie.
M.P. Columbus, Ohio
To the People of France,
I wish to offer my sincere condolences on the loss of your fellow countrymen and women. Hearts around the world are full of sadness and I offer prayers and deepest sympathies to each of you.
M.L. (USA)
Aujourd’hui , je pleure. Je pleure pour la France ; Je pleure pour le monde . Je envoie mes plus sincères condoléances aux familles de ceux qui ont perdu la vie au nom de la liberté d’ speach . Pour cela, nous sommes tous Charlie; tous les pays ; chaque personne qui a le droit à la liberté .
TWC – New York
Please know that I am praying the Lord comforts you all at this time and gives you great strength. I pray for the protection of all upstanding, innocent French citizens and for wisdom for officials to swiftly bring these evildoers to justice.
Mourning with you,
This was an appalling and barbarous attack. As a retired journalist, I would like to express my sympathy and support for the citizens of France, and particularly for the families and friends of those who were killed.
G. S. (Bermuda)
France gave birth to the United States just as much as Britain did. Our democracy is based on French ideas. Our two nations have stood together to face great evil before and triumphed and we will again. We have never left each other’s sides. When you feel pain and loss we feel it here too. Prayers and love to your people from us here in the United States! You are never far from our hearts!
Jim Browne New Castle, Pennsylvania
Je suis français vivant ici à Toronto,mes condoléances aux familles des victimes.
Nous ne devons pas nous laisser imposer les idées de ces barbares!
Vive la France !
Long live France, long live freedom and long live the freedoms and liberties that France has contributed to the world. If the terrorists thought that they would silence liberty by executing journalists, they don’t know the people of France. France will continue to persevere and create even a better society with more freedoms and not less. Yes to freedom and may God bless the good people of France.
Abdi, MN
I write to express my support for the families of the assassinated journalists and for all of the citizens of France. I’m so sorry to see that the calamitous effects of terrorism have taken away your good citizens who were engaged in their peaceful, daily pursuits. France and the United States have been allies for many years, and I expect my government—the United States government—to provide its full support for the people of France. Your are our friends.
D.D.B.N. (United State of America)
I wish to offer my deep, deep condolences to the people in France. This hurts all of you and the international community. We in the Midwest and all of the US are with you and share the sadness of this unspeakable and horrific act. There are no words to tell you how sad this is and how we wish we could help. Know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers, especially the families of the innocent slain. We love you France!
S.H. (Kansas, USA)
Deepest and most sincere condolences to the families of those at Charlie Hebdo whose lives have so cruelly been taken, and to the whole brave staff of Charlie Hebdo, and to the French nation. The French have shown great strength and courage to the world in the past in the face of tyranny and barbarism, and will continue to do so, protecting all our liberties. We stand together with you.
Vive la France. Je suis Charlie.
I.M. (Rutland, UK)
I send my condolences to the families of those who were killed in this senseless and violent act. I am a citizen of the United States but am unashamedly a Francophile. France has always been a place where I and others have experienced “liberté.” My prayers for all affected by these tragic events.
T. S. - Ph.D. (Gettysburg, PA)


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