Papers analyse Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's performance as he completes six months in power. Mr Modi took oath on 26 May after his Bharatiya Janata Party won the general elections. He has announced several schemes, including banking for all, Clean India campaign and labour reforms, after coming to power. He has also given good attention to India's foreign policy in the first six months and travelled to the US, Australia, Fiji, Japan, and Nepal and Bhutan in the immediate neighbourhood. Some analysts say the PM seems to believe in boosting bilateral ties with key countries. "The snail's pace of multilateral fora does not excite Mr Modi and he much prefers the big bilateral," an article in the Hindustan Times says. The article, however, adds that Mr Modi remains to be tested on his policies with neighbouring China and Pakistan. Delhi has border disputes with both Islamabad and Beijing. "Pakistan and China are the real foreign policy tests of an India...
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